Engaging Your Audience Beyond Chat with Ottohm  


2024 is the year of interactive livestreaming. Audiences crave more than just passive viewing; they yearn for experiences that draw them in, make them feel heard, and leave them wanting more. But how do you go beyond the limitations of traditional chat features and truly captivate your viewers? With Ottohm’s and Amazon IVS live broadcast platform, you can uncover a world of engagement beyond the keyboard. 

Forget about one-way streets: Imagine polls and quizzes that gauge audience sentiment in real-time, shaping the direction of your stream. Picture Q&A sessions where viewers can directly interact with you, fostering a sense of community and connection. Think about interactive elements like collaborative drawing boards or live product demos, igniting engagement and excitement unlike ever before. 

Ottohm helps you to: 

  • Break the fourth wall: Utilize polls, quizzes, and Q&A features to bring your audience into the conversation, transforming them from viewers into active participants. 
  • Spark real-time interactions: Facilitate discussions, answer questions live, and create a dynamic environment that keeps viewers glued to their screens. 
  • Boost engagement and retention: Interactive elements add excitement and a sense of agency, increasing watch time and encouraging viewers to return for more. 
  • Gather valuable data: Insights from polls, quizzes, and Q&A provide valuable feedback to tailor your content and cater to your audience’s needs. 

Reach, Retain, and Captivate with Ottohm 

  • Livestream anything: Events, webinars, conferences, product launches, educational sessions – the possibilities are endless. 
  • Seamless integration: Integrate interactive elements seamlessly into your existing live stream, ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience for your viewers. 
  • Reach a global audience: Ottohm’s reliable streaming infrastructure ensures high-quality delivery across devices and regions. 
  • Data-driven decisions: Gain valuable insights into engagement metrics to optimize your future live streams. 

Why choose Ottohm? 

  • Reliable: Count on our robust platform for flawless live streaming experiences. 
  • User-friendly: Our intuitive interface makes it easy to create and manage interactive live streams. 
  • Secure: Protect your content with advanced security measures. 
  • Advanced: Access cutting-edge features to take your live streams to the next level. 
  • Supportive: Our dedicated team is here to help you every step of the way. 

Ready to transform your live streams and captivate your audience in 2024? Get started with Ottohm today and discover a world of interactive possibilities!